So you may have noticed I started posting about Powershell – and then Big Blank for covid. In 2019 I went from managing four people and supporting workflow automation in Service Manager (SCSM) to managing 9 people in an array of different operations positions. It’s been remarkable – and honestly I have managed to surround myself by 9 employees who are smarter than me – so I learn something every day. It’s amazing, I love my job and my crew.
Work-life balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritizes the demands of one's career and the demands of one's personal life.
Not only did my type work change during covid – my work-life balance did as well. My wife and I both now work from home – which means I got out of the habit of coming home from work and “decompressing” by talking about what I learned that day on a blog and social media.
Instead – I started going outside again with my Kid to decompress. It was a nice change.
And then Covid was … behind us. So my family got focused on other projects… and 22 was a great year. I lost 45LBS just from being more active.