Powershell Module: Quest Tools

I am going to keep this short and sweet – the powershell tools from Quest just … work. And work better than the built in Active directory PS tools for the most part.

Of course – we also use Quest Active Roles Server and other products, and the quest products need the extra functions.

Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement

Connecting to an Active Roles server (useful when the people running the scripts only have access when delegated via ARS)

$ARSServer = “ARS.Domain.intranet”
connect-QADService -service $ARSServer -proxy
$cred = get-credential
$conn = connect-QADService -service $ARSServer -credential $cred

PowerShell Modules Part 2

There are dozens of powershell tool writeups, and I don’t want to just rehash what they say, so I will summarize what I use, and why.

First of all, there is a limited functionality that comes with Powershell. The PSE (powershell editor) works – but it’s limited. So I prefer third party editors like PowerGui Script Editor

Once you have an editor of choice you can start coding. However there may come a time when you need something… more. Third party sets of commandlets are available to enhance your abilities.

So what modules do you already have? To find out – run the Get-Module cmdlet with the -ListAvailable switch to list all the modules already installed.

Get-Module -ListAvailable

The cmdlet outputs too much information for me, so If like me you want to see just the names and their descriptions. So the trick is to pass the output via a “format-table” command:

Get-Module -ListAvailable | Format-Table Name, Description

Which gives us something like this:

Name Description
—- ———–
NetworkController Powershell cmdlets to manage a NetworkControll…
AppvClient Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Mo…
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Core.Cmdlets System Center Cmdlets Module
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Cmdlets System Center Service Manager 2010 R2 Cmdlets …
SMLets CodePlex Service Manager Cmdlets
ActiveRolesManagementShell ActiveRoles Management Shell

Now you can search for the modules you want to install.

Powershell – Modules

Powershell is great. but if you really want to do something with an app other than base active directory… you need something more. People write modules to add functionality to Powershell. You can install these and then load them in your code.

Modules are loaded with “Import-Module”


Import-Module SMlets

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

Import-Module SQLServer


Note: The AD tools are incorporated in Server 2012 R2 and later.

Of course you are not limited to third party modules – you can also stick all your common functions that you write into a file and call it a PSM1 file. Load it when you need it so that all your scripts don’t need to contain the functions.

les – you can also stick all your common functions that you write into a file and call it a PSM1 file. Load it when you need it so that all your scripts don’t need to contain the functions.

For example, your ” lots of function script” could be saved as FunctionScript.psm1 and then loaded as needed:


Import-Module ./path/FunctionScript.psm1

A list of user info..

One of the things we commonly need is a list of user info. Putting that together in code is easy – but if we want a nice output to send to users? This does that.


## Get user object
$ObjUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $InputSAM -Properties *

## Get user's manager Object

$UserManager = $ObjUser.Manager
$ObjUserManager = Get-ADUser -Identity $UserManager -Properties OfficePhone,title

## Zig the Zagged Data

$DCS = Get-ADDomainController -Filter *
$NOW = Get-Date

## HTML Stuff
$Goodgreen = "LimeGreen"
$name = $ObjUser.DisplayName


$tableHeader = "

$tableEnd = "
User Information for: " + $name + "

$line = "

$TableRow = "


# Cell

$CellStart = "

$defaultcolorCell = $TableBody + $CellStart + $Goodgreen + $cellMiddle1

### example
# $DistinguishedNameTitle = "Distinguished Name:"
# $DistinguishedNameColor = $Goodgreen
# $DistinguishedNamedata = $DistinguishedName
# $DistinguishedNameCells = $CellStart + $DistinguishedNameColor + $cellMiddle1 + $DistinguishedNameTitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $DistinguishedNamedata + $cellend

# $TableBody = $TableBody + $CellStart + $DistinguishedNameColor + $cellMiddle1 + $DistinguishedNameTitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $DistinguishedNamedata + $cellend

## Data to return

# start our Table body with a new line and a row

[string]$TableBody = $line + $TableRow

# Who info

$name = $ObjUser.DisplayName
$nametitle = "Display Name: "
$namedata = $ObjUser.DisplayName
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $NameTitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $Namedata + $cellend

$UserSAM = $objuser.SamAccountName
$UserSAMtitle = "Login: "
$UserSAMdata = $UserSAM
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $UserSAMtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $UserSAMdata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$title = $objuser.Title
$titletitle = "Title: "
$titledata = $title
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $titletitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $titledata + $cellend

$Description = $ObjUser.Description
$Descriptiontitle = "Prefered Title: "
$Descriptiondata = $Description
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $Descriptiontitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $Descriptiondata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$employeedepartment = $ObjUser.Department
$employeedepartmenttitle = "Department: "
$employeedepartmentdata = $employeedepartment
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $employeedepartmenttitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $employeedepartmentdata + $cellend

$Company = $ObjUser.Company
$Companytitle = "Company: "
$Companydata = $Company
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $Companytitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $Companydata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$DistinguishedName = $ObjUser.DistinguishedName
$DistinguishedNameTitle = "Distinguished Name: "
$DistinguishedNamedata = $ObjUser.DistinguishedName
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $DistinguishedNameTitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $DistinguishedNamedata + $cellend

# Employee Details

#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#Section header
$TableBody = $TableBody + "


#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$officephone = $objuser.OfficePhone
$officephonetitle = "Office Phone: "
$officephonedata = $officephone
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $officephonetitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $officephonedata + $cellend

$homephone = $ObjUser.HomePhone
$homephonetitle = "Home or Cell: "
$homephonedata = $homephone
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $homephonetitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $homephonedata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$employeeID = $objuser.EmployeeID
$employeeIDtitle = "Employee ID: "
$employeeIDdata = $employeeID
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $employeeIDtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $employeeIDdata + $cellend

$employeetype = $ObjUser.employeeType
$employeetypetitle = "Account Type: "
$employeetypedata = $employeetype
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $employeetypetitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $employeetypedata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$location = $ObjUser.Office
$locationtitle = "Office: "
$locationdata = $location
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $locationtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $locationdata + $cellend

$email = $ObjUser.EmailAddress
$emailtitle = "Email: "
$emaildata = $email
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $emailtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $emaildata + $cellend

### We need to pause and Get the multi DC stuff

$LastLogintime = 0
$DefenderLastLogintime = 0
$DCLastFailedLogintime = 0
$BadLogins = 0
$accountchangedtime = 0

foreach($dc in $dcs)
$hostname = $dc.HostName
$LocalDCuser = Get-ADUser $UserSAM -Server $hostname | Get-ADObject -Properties *

if($LocalDCuser.'defender-lastLogon' -gt $DefenderLastLogintime)
$DefenderLastLogintime = $LocalDCuser.'defender-lastLogon'
if($LocalDCuser.LastLogon -gt $LastLogintime)
$LastLogintime = $LocalDCuser.LastLogon
if($LocalDCuser.BadPasswordTime -gt $DCLastFailedLogintime)
$DCLastFailedLogintime = $LocalDCuser.BadPasswordTime

if($LocalDCuser.whenChanged -gt $accountchangedtime)
$accountchangedtime = $LocalDCuser.whenChanged

if($LocalDCuser.BadLogonCount -gt $BadLogins)
[string]$BadLogins = $LocalDCuser.BadLogonCount
$LastSuccessfulLogin = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($LastLogintime)
$DefenderLastSuccessfulLogin = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($DefenderLastLogintime)
$lastfailedlogin = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($DCLastFailedLogintime)
$Acctchanged = $accountchangedtime

# Echo $username
# Echo "last logged on at: " $LastSuccessfulLogin
# Echo "last logged on with Defender token at: " $DefenderLastSuccessfulLogin
# Echo "last FAILED log on at: " $lastfailedlogin
# Echo "Recent Bad Logins: " $BadLogins

# Oddball Account Properties
#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$AcctCreated = $ObjUser.whenCreated
$AcctCreatedtitle = "Account Creation Date: "
$AcctCreateddata = $ObjUser.whenCreated
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $AcctCreatedtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $AcctCreateddata + $cellend

$Acctchangedtitle = "Account Last Changed: "
$Acctchangeddata = $Acctchanged
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $Acctchangedtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $Acctchangeddata + $cellend

# Login times and Status

#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#Section header
$TableBody = $TableBody + "


#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$LastSuccessfulLogintitle = "Last Successful Login: "
$LastSuccessfulLogindata = $LastSuccessfulLogin
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $LastSuccessfulLogintitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $LastSuccessfulLogindata + $cellend

$DefenderLastSuccessfulLogintitle = "Last Defender Token Login: "
$DefenderLastSuccessfulLogindata = $DefenderLastSuccessfulLogin
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $DefenderLastSuccessfulLogintitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $DefenderLastSuccessfulLogindata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$lastfailedlogintitle = "Last Failed Login: "
$lastfailedlogindata = $lastfailedlogin
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $lastfailedlogintitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $lastfailedlogindata + $cellend

## account status

#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#Section header
$TableBody = $TableBody + "


#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

########## Account locked processing
$AcctLocked = $ObjUser.LockedOut
$AccountLockedColor = "Red"
$AccountLockedColor = "LimeGreen"

$AcctLockedtitle = "Account Locked: "
$AcctLockeddata = $AcctLocked
$TableBody = $TableBody + $CellStart + $AccountLockedColor + $cellMiddle1 + $AcctLockedtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $AcctLockeddata + $cellend

######### account control processing

$AccountControl = $ObjUser.userAccountControl
$accountDisabled = "False"
$accountDisabledColor = "LimeGreen"
$passwordexpires = "True"
$passwordexpirescolor = "LimeGreen"
$accountDisabled = "True"
$accountDisabledColor = "Red"
$passwordexpires = "True"
$passwordexpirescolor = "LimeGreen"
$accountDisabled = "False"
$accountDisabledColor = "LimeGreen"
$passwordexpires = "false"
$passwordexpirescolor = "DarkOrange"
$accountDisabled = "True"
$accountDisabledColor = "Red"
$passwordexpires = "false"
$passwordexpirescolor = "DarkOrange"

$accountDisabledtitle = "Account Disabled: "
$accountDisableddata = $accountDisabled
$TableBody = $TableBody + $CellStart + $accountDisabledColor + $cellMiddle1 + $accountDisabledtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $accountDisableddata + $cellend

## password status

#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#Section header
$TableBody = $TableBody + "


#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$pwdlastChanged = $ObjUser.PasswordLastSet
$pwdlastChangedtitle = "Password Last Set: "
$pwdlastChangeddata = $pwdlastChanged
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $pwdlastChangedtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $pwdlastChangeddata + $cellend

########## password age calculation
$PwdAge = ($NOW - $pwdlastChanged).days

{$_ -ge 0 -and $_ -le 45}
$PwdAgeColor = "LimeGreen"
{$_ -ge 46 -and $_ -le 55}
$PwdAgeColor = "Yellow"
{$_ -ge 56 -and $_ -le 60}
$PwdAgeColor = "DarkOrange"
{$_ -ge 61}
$PwdAgeColor = "Red"

$PwdAgetitle = "Password Age: "
$PwdAgedata = $PwdAge
$TableBody = $TableBody + $CellStart + $PwdAgeColor + $cellMiddle1 + $PwdAgetitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $PwdAgedata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$passwordexpirestitle = "Password Expires Policy: "
$passwordexpiresdata = $passwordexpires
$TableBody = $TableBody + $CellStart + $passwordexpiresColor + $cellMiddle1 + $passwordexpirestitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $passwordexpiresdata + $cellend

$PwdExpired = $ObjUser.PasswordExpired
$pwdExpiredColor = "LimeGreen"
$pwdExpiredColor = "Red"

$PwdExpiredtitle = "Password Expired?: "
$PwdExpireddata = $PwdExpired
$TableBody = $TableBody + $CellStart + $PwdExpiredColor + $cellMiddle1 + $PwdExpiredtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $PwdExpireddata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$UserchangePwd = $ObjUser.CannotChangePassword

$UserChangepwdColor = "LimeGreen"
$UserchangePwdStatus = "Yes"
$UserChangepwdColor = "Yellow"
$UserchangePwdStatus = "No"

$UserchangePwdtitle = "User can change password?: "
$UserchangePwddata = $UserchangePwdStatus
$TableBody = $TableBody + $CellStart + $UserchangePwdColor + $cellMiddle1 + $UserchangePwdtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $UserchangePwddata + $cellend

# Domain Password Policy stuff
$ADDomainPasswordPolicy = Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

[string]$maxattempts = $ADDomainPasswordPolicy.LockoutThreshold
[string]$Remainingattempts = $maxattempts - $BadLogins

$maxattemptstitle = "Max/Remaining Password Attempts: "
[string]$maxattemptsdata = $maxattempts + " / " + $Remainingattempts
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $maxattemptstitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $maxattemptsdata + $cellend

########## calculate account unlock policy
$LockoutDuration = $ADDomainPasswordPolicy.LockoutDuration
if ($LockoutDuration -le 0)
$Autounlock = "Manual Unlock Only"
if ($LockoutDuration -gt 0)
$Autounlock = "[Days:Hours:Minutes] " + $LockoutDuration

$Autounlocktitle = "Auto Unlock Duration: "
$Autounlockdata = $Autounlock
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $Autounlocktitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $Autounlockdata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$MinPwdlength = $ADDomainPasswordPolicy.MinPasswordLength
$MinPwdlengthtitle = "Minimum Password Length: "
$MinPwdlengthdata = $MinPwdlength
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $MinPwdlengthtitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $MinPwdlengthdata + $cellend

$MinPwdHistory = $ADDomainPasswordPolicy.PasswordHistoryCount
$MinPwdHistorytitle = "Minimum Password History: "
$MinPwdHistorydata = $MinPwdHistory
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $MinPwdHistorytitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $MinPwdHistorydata + $cellend

## Profile Information

#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#Section header
$TableBody = $TableBody + "


#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$Script = $ObjUser.ScriptPath
$Scripttitle = "Login Script: "
$Scriptdata = $Script
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $Scripttitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $Scriptdata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$homeLocation = $ObjUser.l
$HomeDirectory = "\\microsoft.com\user\" + $homeLocation + "\" + $UserSAM + "\"
$HomeDirectorytitle = "Home Drive: "
$HomeDirectorydata = $HomeDirectory
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $HomeDirectorytitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $HomeDirectorydata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$CitrixProfile = "\\micosoft.com\citrix\Profiles\TS\" + $UserSAM +"
" + "\\microsoft.com\citrix\Profiles\TS-x64\" + $UserSAM
$CitrixProfiletitle = "Citrix Profiles: "
$CitrixProfiledata = $CitrixProfile
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $CitrixProfiletitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $CitrixProfiledata + $cellend

## Exchange information

#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#Section header
$TableBody = $TableBody + "


#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$ExchangeAccount = $ObjUser.msExchWhenMailboxCreated
$ExchangeAccounttitle = "Mailbox Created: "
$ExchangeAccountdata = $ExchangeAccount
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $ExchangeAccounttitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $ExchangeAccountdata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$proxyaddresses = $ObjUser.proxyAddresses

Foreach ($mailitem in $proxyaddresses)
$mailitemlist = $mailitemlist + "
" + $mailitem

$proxyaddressestitle = "Messaging Addresses: "
$proxyaddressesdata = $mailitemlist
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $proxyaddressestitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $proxyaddressesdata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$AssignedDelegates = $ObjUser.publicDelegatesBL

Foreach ($mailbox in $AssignedDelegates)
$objmailbox = Get-ADUser -Identity $mailbox
$mailboxname = $objmailbox.name
$Publicmailbox = $publicmailbox + "
" + $mailboxname

$AssignedDelegatestitle = "Assigned Delegates: "
$AssignedDelegatesdata = $Publicmailbox
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $AssignedDelegatestitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $AssignedDelegatesdata + $cellend

$mailboxmanager = $ObjUser.msExchDelegateListBL

Foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxmanager)
$objmailbox = Get-ADUser -Identity $mailbox
$mailboxname = $objmailbox.name
$mailboxlist = $mailboxlist + "
" + $mailboxname

$mailboxmanagertitle = "Delegate Access: "
$mailboxmanagerdata = $mailboxlist
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $mailboxmanagertitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $mailboxmanagerdata + $cellend

## Managers Data to return

## Manager information

#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#Section header
$TableBody = $TableBody + "


#new Line
$TableBody = $TableBody + $line

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$manager = $ObjUserManager.Name
$managertitle = "Manager Name: "
$managerdata = $manager
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $managertitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $managerdata + $cellend

#new Row
$TableBody = $TableBody + $TableRow

$managertitle = $ObjUserManager.title
$managertitletitle = "Manager Title: "
$managertitledata = $managertitle
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $managertitletitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $managertitledata + $cellend

$managerphone = $ObjUserManager.OfficePhone
$managerphonetitle = "Manager Office Phone: "
$managerphonedata = $managerphone
$TableBody = $TableBody + $defaultcolorCell + $managerphonetitle + $Cellmiddle2 + $managerphonedata + $cellend

## Message

$Message = $Message + $tableHeader + $Tablebody + $tableend

This gives us pretty output we can send to users. I hope it helps.

Powershell function for sending email

Sending email is a common task.. here is a simple but functional …Function 🙂

function sendMail($BODYemail,$SUBemail,$TOemail) {

Write-Host "Sending Email"

#SMTP server name
$smtpServer = "smtpserver.MYDOMAIN.COM"

#Creating a Mail object
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage

#Creating SMTP server object
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)

#Email structure
$msg.subject = "$SUBemail"
$msg.body = "$BODYemail"
$msg.IsBodyHTML = $true

#Sending email


Send some info

# To the User
$TOemail = "$OBJ_ContactPointEmail"
$BODYemail = $MSG_Header + $MSG_USERBODY + $MSG_Foot
$SUBemail = "Follow-up information on your request [$INVAR_SR]"

sendMail $BODYemail $SUBemail $TOemail

If ($INT_CountSAG -ne 0 )
$BODYemail = $SAGMessage
$SUBemail = "SAG Follow up"
sendMail $BODYemail $SUBemail $TOemail

If ($INT_CountErrors -ne 0 )
$SUBemail = "Add users to groups errors"
sendMail $BODYemail $SUBemail $TOemail

Getting Started with powershell

When I first heard about PowerShell (an eternity ago), I basically ignored it. I thought – “My Batch files and VBScripts work just fine.”

However – as more and more Microsoft tools began to transition to utilizing PowerShell I took it upon myself to learn.

Now.. I can’t imaging going back to simple VBScript (.. I admit I still have some VB I still use.. because those scripts still work!)

So how does one get started learning PowerShell?

1. Pick a project: You need a project in order to focus your mind. If you just try to jump out and read commands – all that will do is familiarize you, and that’s essential tool, but it won’t get it cemented into your brain. So think of something simple you want to do. For our sample – lets do something simple:

  • Get all the people in an active directory group.

2. Type it up: In your mind, break down the steps of what you want to do in as many steps as you can think of – think like a computer, what does it need to do to get the info you want. For our example:

  • define a group name to a variable
  • query ad for the group
  • look up the members of the group
  • display the members

3. Documented Code: One of the nice thing about doing this is that it helps you formulate your thoughts on what needs to happen in small workable chunks. Another is that you can use your comments as the beginning of comments for your code. It’s always important to comment your code, because when others review it – it will help them follow along…. including when that other is yourself 6 months later trying to revise your own code! In powershell we use the # sign to document a comment

  • # define a group name to a variable
  • # query ad for the group
  • # look up the members of the group
  • # display the members

4. Replace ideas with Code: The next step is to replace the ideas – with actual powershell. Don’t hesitate to use your favorite search engine and look up how to do each component.

# define a group name to a variable
$MYGROUPNAME = "Test-Group"

# query ad for the group
$MYGROUPOBJECT = get-adgroup -Identity $MYGROUPNAME -Properties *

# look up the members of the group

# display the members

This is a simple script (and it could be a lot simpler – one line in fact), but as you learn – the principles of how to learn stay the same. Break it down into smaller components and take it one section at a time until you are familiar with coding in PowerShell!

$Cellmiddle2 = "
$cellend = "